Downtime registration
Downtime as a Key Performance Indicator has become a crucial parameter to track in more and more parks around the world. In response to this and per high demand from clients, Mobaro Park has now developed as an integrated part of their Safety & Maintenance Management solution a function to register and document full operational time and downtime on Amusement rides.
Monitor and measure the attraction performance
Downtime reporting can have three different focus points:
- Pure downtime registration focus on the events that lead to downtime.
- By registering downtime and adding focus on operational hours you get an indication of your lost operational hours because of a downtime.
- Furthermore by adding assignment management for downtime events you can track the corrective actions that have been done in order to resolve a downtime registration
Downtime states
Each downtime registration is decorated with a state depending on its place in the workflow. The states are: open, blocking, resolved and closed.
Open is the initial state of a downtime registration, regardless if it is created from the mobile or web app. The Open state can be handled from two fronts:
- From the mobile app where the operator/technician can mark the location as operational again or from the web app where an administrative person can mark the downtime as ended, in which cases it will be moved into a resolved state.
- From the web app where an assignment can be attached to it, which will move it into a blocking state.
Blocking is the state of an open downtime, which has an open assignment attached to it. This is the initial state of a downtime registration, if you setup Mobaro to automatically create assignments in case of a downtime. A downtime will enter the blocking state if an assignment is manually created.