
Don’t fear your IT department

do not fear IT

Let’s take a familiar trip down ‘Implementation Lane’. You just found the software that your crew needs to make things run smoother, remove common head aches and reach peak check quality. While you’re floating around on cloud nine, someone pops their head in your office and says something like: ”Just let IT run through it, and we’re good to go”. FULL STOP.

Please note, we have nothing against IT departments. We are IT. It’s what we do. In fact, that’s why we know that implementing new administrative systems may involve a lot of considerations throughout the organisation, including securing the complicated technical aspects.

In that respect, we typically get questions like: How do we install it? What about our other systems? How much work does our IT department need to put into it? The answers: No, nevermind, and none.

The reason

Mobaro Park is a cloud-based system. It operates without any touchpoints with your exisiting systems. It is a work-efficiency boosting tool that lets you focus on work, without clashing with other systems already in place.

So, to sum up. You don’t need to worry about IT. Mobaro works out-of-the-box. Actually, there is no box. We got rid of it, because we were always thinking outside it anyway.

See for yourself

Fill out the form below to book a demonstration of Mobaro Park

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mobaro CMMS