Best practice guidelines for:
Ride and attraction safety
If you are a safety, maintenance or operations professional working within the ride and attractions industry, this book could be for you.
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A collection of interviews, key topics and practical examples
Join Mobaro and a group of well-versed attraction industry professionals in talks about safety, maintenance and operations. In short, the book includes:
- Topical features on international best practice guidelines for ride and attraction safety
- Information about key topics from the revised EN 13814 standard
- Guidance on guests with disabilities
- Advice on lockouts – remember “Lock it out for safety”
- Tips and guidance on how to structure typical maintenance and safety checklists for rides and attractions
On top of that, we have also sprinkled in interviews with a handful of industry figures with some interesting views and insights into their operations and experience on some very topical issues within the industry today.
It is our hope that you will find this book inspirational and educational at the same time, proving you a tool to consider when reviewing your own programmes and managing safety at your parks and attractions.