
How can we help: Mobaro provides Covid-19 support kit for Parks & Attractions


In connection with the reopening of parks and attractions, Mobaro is making the platform available to support implementation of Covid-19 guidelines.

Every cloud has a silver lining: In response to the immense difficulties connected with the pandemic, the industry is coming together. It goes to show that the international attractions community is a keen and resourceful network where professionals engage in pragmatic discussion.

As the reopening of parks is approaching, the team of safety and software experts at Mobaro asked themselves “How can we help?”:

• We have been engaging with numerous industry professionals throughout this crisis, and two questions keep circling our attention: ‘What should be done?’ And ‘How are we going to do it?’, says Henrik Have, CEO at Mobaro, and he continues:

• Already, the safety aspect of e.g. an amusement park is fundamental to its operation. So, now when the requirements are increasing and topics like health and hygiene are even bigger issues than before, there is a greater need for getting procedures in place in a manageable way, he says.

Consequently, Mobaro has put key elements from recently published guidelines from governments and industry organizations into an easy-to-use structure of checklists and workflows, to help them get a head start.

Free of charge license and content
Included in the ‘Reopening Toolkit’ is a number of readymade checklists that take typical aspects of a park or attraction into account. This way, managers and staff will be able to efficiently check and document Covid-19 compliance throughout various areas, like entrance, rides, restrooms and F&B to name a few and have complete dashboard-overview of it all, before the park opens.

As a courtesy, Mobaro is offering the Covid-19-specific content and access to the digital platform free of charge for the 2020-2021 seasons.

Learn more about the offer here >


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